Evolved Selling Journey

The journey measures and prescribes progress across four key pillars of improvement.

Are your Sellers Enabled?

Are they leveraging all of the content and tools you provide them in the right way at the right time?

Are they equipped to effectively communicate and quantify the differentiating value of your offering?

Can you and your management quantify the impact of your content and tools on revenue?

If you can’t confidently answer “Yes” to these questions, you’re not alone. In the last five years, sales enablement technology spending has increased 69% to help address these challenges(6Connex). Companies of all sizes and industries are recognizing the urgency of enabling sellers with the right content and tools to help elevate and facilitate buyer engagement to improve experiences and drive better sales performance.

Evolved Selling institute

69% increase in sales enablement technology investments

Most are at the beginning of the Evolved Selling journey.

So we created Evolved Selling, a journey map to help assess where you are today, and guide your best next step. From Traditional Selling to Enabled Selling, and optimally to Evolved Selling.

The journey measures progress across four key pillars of improvement, to assure your messaging and content, seller capabilities, engagement capabilities and insights are all maturing in concert to drive a superior buyer experience and improve sales performance:

  • Inspiring Improving the ability for your sellers to connect with buyers on their challenges and articulate the priority of the challenge and your differentiating value to provocatively motivate prospects to change from “do nothing” to “Yes”.
  • Influential Elevating how your sellers engage with prospects, optimizing content and reshaping the buying experience as a competitive differentiator.
  • Interactive Elevating each unique engagement with personalized discovery, assessments, benchmarking, analytics and value / ROI / TCO analysis to provide insights, recommendations and advice.
  • Intelligence Integrating with CRM fully, leveraging AI / ML to ease data entry, improve tracking and drive next best recommendations, and most importantly, tying content, process and tool usage, sharing and consumption to actual business value outcomes to optimize content investments and sales performance.

[simple_tooltip bubblewidth='520' bubbleopacity='0.8' bubblebgcolor='#6782b5' bubbleposition='right' bubblecolor='white' content='Evolved SellingSellers are fully supported with new types of content and a sophisticated sales enablement platform to help better communicate and quantify differentiating value to prospects, and drive revenue performance, including:• Customized mobile sales apps create a tailored, interactive and engaging presentation experience for buyers• Interactive discovery and assessment tools improve customer engagements and drive motivation / alignment• ROI calculators and TCO comparison tools are used to prove business value to each unique buyer• Practical digital learning ensures sellers have the right skills to elevate interactions with prospects and that individual performance is easily tracked, coached and improved• AI/ML-powered CRM integration reduces seller data entry time and provides next best action recommendations• Leadership, marketing and sales understands what content is used by sellers, consumed by prospects and driving real business value outcome impacts ']Evolved Selling™[/simple_tooltip]

[simple_tooltip bubblewidth='520' bubbleopacity='0.8' bubblebgcolor='#6782b5' bubbleposition='right' bubblecolor='white' content='Enabled Selling Where initial efforts are already generating notable improvements in content marketing and selling effectiveness:• Content Management technology is deployed to centralize content and improve content find-ability for sellers• Marketers easily update, re-version and distribute content to ensure compliance• Organization shifts from traditional classroom sales training to sales readiness with digital training (LMS) and certifications• Sellers begin to transition from product-led to challenge-centric value selling, - from product to purpose• Technology and content usage is measured and sales rep adoption increases ']Enabled Selling[/simple_tooltip]

[simple_tooltip bubblewidth='520' bubbleopacity='0.8' bubblebgcolor='#6782b5' bubbleposition='right' bubblecolor='white' content='Traditional Selling Unfortunately, where too many companies remain today:• Sellers pitch your company, products and services with PowerPoint and paper-based sales collateral• Communicating and quantifying differentiating value is difficult and not done• Presentations lack personalization and do not create a different customer experience• Sellers waste time searching for content in numerous portals and recreating it to prepare for sales meetings• Marketers struggle to answer content requests from sellers, distribute content to reps with maintained versions and compliance• Classroom-style sales training is the norm, costly and easily forgotten• Leadership does not know what sellers are leveraging, what content is used and what is most effective with buyers ']Traditional Selling[/simple_tooltip]

[simple_tooltip bubblewidth='520' bubbleopacity='0.8' bubblebgcolor='#6782b5' bubbleposition='right' bubblecolor='white' content='InspiringSellers inspire buyers from inaction to action, with content that is challenge-centric and conveys your differentiating value. ']Inspiring[/simple_tooltip]

Right Messaging
  • By Role
  • By Industry
  • Value Storytelling
  • Vignettes
  • Challenge-Based
  • Methodology
  • About Us
  • Product Focus

[simple_tooltip bubblewidth='520' bubbleopacity='0.8' bubblebgcolor='#6782b5' bubbleposition='right' bubblecolor='white' content='InfluentialSellers have on demand access to the right content at the right time in the right format, to easily influence buyers at pivotal engagement moments. ']Influential[/simple_tooltip]

Right Content
  • Customized Sales App
  • Enabled Inside Sellers
  • Enabled Channel Partners
  • Targeted & Dynamic Sales
  • Presentation Builder
  • Presentations
  • Visual Catalog
  • Situational Based Training
  • Multimedia
  • Playbooks
  • Customizable UI
  • Mobile App
  • Compliance
  • Proposal/RFP Automation
  • Muli-Platform
  • LMS
  • Search
  • Easy Sharing
  • Content Management Tool
  • Virtual Meetings
  • Internet Portals
  • E-Signatures
  • Linear Powerpoints
  • Classroom-Style Training
  • Email Updates
  • Paper

[simple_tooltip bubblewidth='520' bubbleopacity='0.8' bubblebgcolor='#6782b5' bubbleposition='right' bubblecolor='white' content='InteractiveSellers leverage interactive content, assessments, data and ROI / TCO calculators to better communicate and quantify differentiating value and drive a more collaborative engagement with buyers. ']Interactive[/simple_tooltip]

Right Conversation
  • 3D & AR
  • ROI Tool Customization
  • ROI & TCO Tools
  • 3rd Party Data Integration
  • Realized ROI
  • Assessment & Benchmarking Tools
  • ROI / TCO Spreadsheets
  • Assessment Spreadsheets
  • Discovery Guides
  • Whitepapers

[simple_tooltip bubblewidth='520' bubbleopacity='0.8' bubblebgcolor='#6782b5' bubbleposition='right' bubblecolor='white' content='IntelligentThe sales enablement platform and tools leverage AI-powered integration with CRM to save sellers time thanks to automated logging / data entry, next best content and process recommendations, and insights on what content helps close deals and exactly how much business performance is being improved. ']Intelligent[/simple_tooltip]

Right Insights
  • AI / ML
  • Automated CRM Entry
  • Seller Performance Tracking
  • Business Outcomes Tracking
  • CRM Integration
  • MAP Integration
  • Consumption & Usage Tracking
  • Manual Tracking & Reporting

Where are you? Where should you go next? Your Interactive Evolved Selling Journey

Rapid Value Assessment - Quantify the Value of Your Proposed Evolved Selling Programs

100 Metrics that Matter for Sales Enablement, Content Marketing & Value Selling

Books that Matter – Top Sales Enablement Book Recommendations

Analysts that Matter

Evolved Selling Book: Improve your sales enablement, content marketing & value selling

Sales Enablement Events that Matter

Sales Enablement Podcasts that Matter