I recently read a great article by Lou Casa where he talked about marketing to the widening number of customer avenues to your message. In the article, he makes a great claim as to why marketers are having to move from the idea of multi-channel to omni-channel marketing.
The basic idea behind this is that in the era of the “24/7 consumer”, marketing has to have the ability to cover all channels, not just some of them. Since consumers are looking to interact with brands/products across all channels then marketers have to match them.
Omni-Channel Sales?
These terms of being multi/omni-channel have been solely discussed when surrounding the questions of “How/where to market” but this has been left out of the discussion when it comes to selling. Think of being a salesperson as like being James Bond. So James Bond has a watch that, along with keeping the time, also has a laser, a wire cutter, and acts as the detonator for some trap he set.
Without even just one of these gadgets, we probably would no longer have James Bond. In order to stay in the sales game, you’re going to need some gadgets of your own.
Tech: First, you’ll want to look at what kind of technology you or your company has. If your company has instituted any BYOD policies then you’ll want to look into what technology you have. Taking stock and making use of these devices gives you a wider range of access to materials.
Content: Back to my Bond analogy. So if your tablet or smartphone is your version of the “Bond watch”, then that makes the different forms of content your “lasers and detonators”. If you aren’t already, you need to start diversifying what forms of content you have. Look into trying to translate some slide based presentations into a short animation or a video interview. Anything that might make your presentation more engaging, and therefore more impactful.
What other ways are you working to make your selling more omni-channel?
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