Clive Miller is the founder of sales consultancy SalesSense and a veteran sales leader for Blackboard, SGI and SUN. In this interview we discussed the changing buyer landscape and the three big challenges facing sales enablement today: Moving sellers from Solutions + Benefits to Challenges + Business Value, Increasing Sales Productivity and Improving Forecast Accuracy. Clive provides some great advice on how to recognize and address each of these selling challenges, among many other insightful thoughts.
On how his interest in Aviation helped shape him into being a better sales leader…
“What it taught me is that you can never invest too. Much time in forethought, planning, and preparation. And the thing is, in aviation, everything is life critical. You know, you can’t stop the plane on a cloud to fix something.
And if you’re unprepared, or any of the wider support team make a mistake, it can lead to loss of life.
And in sales, of course, if you get it wrong, you just lose a sale. Yet, the effects of mistakes still have a significant impact on people’s lives.”
“It’s really, really difficult to make the technology do what it’s supposed to, and I think people continuously underestimate what it takes. I’ve seen this continual rush to implement the latest technologies, to sales force automation, and even now beginning with AI. But,I have seen variable evidence that it has actually delivered on this promise.”
To hear the full episode, Click the link!
Keep Flying high, EVOLVERS!
Until next time…
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