With almost everything they need at their fingertips, B2B buyers have changed the way they interact with sellers. Entering the buying process later than before, they know what you have to offer, but they don’t know how your offering is going to increase revenue for their business.
B2B companies that empower their reps with tools to deliver content and communicate insights will create successful sales interactions that resonate with buyers. Sales enablement technology helps both direct and indirect sellers drive stronger sales outcomes, including making it 2.3x easier to accelerate deal closure2.
A robust sales enablement technology increases visibility into the sales process and offers marketers insights into what content drives revenue. Sellers can confidently create personalized and dynamic sales presentations that resonate with buyers. According to a Forrester Consulting study, commissioned by Mediafly, companies that have already deployed sales enablement platforms to their indirect sellers are up to 2.3x more effective at achieving sales goals.
For maximum benefit, CPG companies that elect to implement a sales enablement technology should deploy the solution for both direct and indirect or distributor sellers. Deploying a sales enablement platform that incorporates interactive sales tools that capture real-time input from the buyer to demonstrate the value your product will bring to their business drives even more impressive results. In fact, channel sellers who utilize interactive tools find it 2x as easy to accelerate deal closure and 1.8x as easy to get high-level stakeholders involved in sales discussions.2
For more information about Mediafly’s sales enablement solution for CPG companies, learn more here or request a demo.
1 – 2018 Buyer Preference Study, CSO Insights.
2 – “Its Time to Enable Your Channel Partners for Evolved Selling”, a commissioned study by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Mediafly, 2018.
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