Building a new Business Value Program from Scratch – with Aaron Froberg (Egnyte)

By Mediafly | July 6, 2020

In this interview, I spoke with Aaron regarding the importance of a business value program, and the “whys and hows” of one. If you are thinking about creating and scaling a Business Value program of your own, this interview is a can’t miss.

Aaron had a lot to say but here are a few notable quotes:

On what it takes to start building a Business value Program:

“To start, at least from my perspective, you kind of have to start small. I think hiring a few highly experienced value analysts is a good start. You don’t wanna create yet another group to rival what the sales team and the customer success team etc. does.
But, along with that, starting small comes with additional challenges…”

Above all, value yourself, too!

“You definitely have to continue to show in a very substantiated way why the investment in a business value practice makes sense; we do this all day long, we sell value. You have to sell your OWN value back to your company as well, right?”

Humble brags, people! The only way to go!

Keep evolving, EVOLVERS!

Until next time…

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