Articulating the Business Value of Managed Services – with Chris Holgate (Success in MPS)

By Mediafly | June 16, 2020

I had the pleasure of interviewing Chris Holgate of Success in MPS. His infectious personality and wealth of knowledge made the interview seamless and enjoyable.

In response to my question “What does MPS (Manage Print Services) Look like today?”, he had this to say…

“Manage Print Services Today, in very basic terms, is trying to understand the customer’s existing situation, their document workflow, and what role documents play within their business, people, process, and technology. Baselining that situation to say ‘Mr. Customer, here’s what you are looking at today from an operational perspective, here is a commercial status for where you are today, and now… How can we move things to a more commercially viable situation, and how can we remove the operational challenges you have today? “

On how modern companies can grow or expand more as a result of better MPS…

“It’s not just about reducing print. In some cases, you can actually want to increase the print because it has a business value. If you are trying to sell a product or a service, and that has a document or a brochure, then that can actually help to drive sales for your business.”

Check out the full episode here:

Print can still equal PROGRESS!

Keep evolving, EVOLVERS!

Until next time…

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